Friday 28 May 2010

Determine the best image of CRT monitors.

All CRT monitors has a resolutions menu and refresh rate menu  The best image depending from the resolution and refresh rate to choose.

Determine best image,example.

The resolutions where i can choose from the my HITACHI CM615 CRT Monitor is:

800*600 , 1024*768 , 1152*864 , 1280*720 , 1280*768 , 1280*800 , 1280*960 , 1280*1024. The unit of resolution is pixel per inc monitor.

Also the refresh rate where i can choose is: 60 , 70 , 72 , 75 , 85. Unit of refresh rate is Hz = second^-1.

For some one resolution option,exist and a refresh rate option. E.g from 1024*768 i can choose refresh rate from 60Hz to 85Hz.

The choose where will has the maximun resolution and maximun refresh rate is it where will lead the best image from CRT monitor. This point can be calculated from the propagate of resolution with the some refresh rate.

The unit where obtained by multiplying is: (pixels/inc^2)*Hz=pixels/(inc^2*second). The optimize choose from my monitor is a 1280*960@70Hz. And second choose is 1280*720@85Hz.

Next post: Rated power consumption and maximum power for CRT monitor. Determine of maximun power.

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