Saturday, 29 August 2015

Reducing U.S. primary energy with wind and solar energy and energy efficiency

This article describes a 50% reduction of the US primary energy by means of energy efficiency measures, and build-outs of wind and solar systems, so that the energy available to provide for the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation energy requirements remains nearly unchanged. These efforts would take at least 25 to 30 years.


The US required about 97.141 quads of primary energy in 2013. About 60% of this energy was rejected as heat and as other losses. See URLs. About 97.141 x 0.4 = 38.86 quads were available to provide for the residential, commercial, industrial and transportation energy requirements.

NOTE: A quad = 10 to the fifteenth Btu.

In 2013, the US primary energy consisted of the sources in the below table. The values of energy returned on energy invested, ERoEI, are from published sources.

......................PE, quad........ERoEI.........EI, quad
Nat gas...........26.600............30.0................0.89

The weighted average ERoEI of the US economy calculates to 21.4 The energy available for economic activities, other than obtaining energy, was about (97.141 – 4.55) x 0.4 = 37.04 quads.
Declining ERoEIs: As ERoEIs decrease, an increasingly greater energy establishment is needed to produce the same quantity of NET energy, i.e., wind turbines, solar panels, etc., everywhere. Gusher oil wells of 100 years ago had ERoEIs of 100 or greater. Shale oil in Canada has an ERoEI of about 3!! As harvesting each unit of energy requires more and more units of energy, it becomes increasingly important to arrange the US economy for minimal energy consumption to preserve standards of living.

In this example, the net energy is a constant 100 units of energy.

ERoEI.....Net Energy..................EI.........................ER..................Net
..................(ERoEI-1)....{100/(ERoEI-1)}.... (ERoEI x EI).......(ER – EI)
1.2...............0.2.....................500.00.....................600..................100; ethanol from corn
3.0...............2..........................50.00.....................150..................100; biomass, shale oil
7.0...............6..........................16.67.....................116.67.............100; PV solar, unbuffered
18..............17...........................5.88......................105.88.............100; wind, unbuffered
20..............19...........................5.26......................105.26.............100; geothermal
25..............24...........................4.17......................104.17.............100; petroleum
30..............29...........................3.45......................103.45.............100; natural gas, well-head
40..............39...........................2.56......................102.56.............100; coal, mine-mouth
60..............59...........................1.69......................101.69.............100; nuclear, centrifugal enrichment
100............99...........................1.01......................101.01.............100; gusher oil well and hydro

NOTE: The heavily subsidized, ethanol-from-corn program has an ERoEI of about 1.2 - 1.3, depending on growing conditions, even with co-product credits!! The lower the ERoEI, the more energy (and environmental impact) it takes to produce a net quantity of energy.


Nationwide efficiency measures at about 1.42%/y for 25 years could reduce the 97.141 quads by about 30%, or 0.3 x 97.141 = 29.14 quads. The 1.42%/y is based on the primary energy. Transportation: In May 2012, the US finalized new standards to increase the corporate average fuel economy, CAFE, standard for light duty vehicles, LDVs, from the current 27.5 MPG to 35.5 and 54.5 MPG EPA Combined by 2016 and 2025, respectively. Europe is well ahead of the US. Already millions of LDVs are sold each year that get 35 MPG or better.

Below is a comparison of the 27.5 MPG and 54.5 MPG standards: 

                                 Travel              Mileage    Energy/yr              Emissions*                                            
                                miles/y                MPG                            lb CO2/y    g CO2/km                              
Present CAFE          12,000                27.5         436 gal         10,647          250.36          
2025 CAFE              12,000                54.5         220 gal           5,372          126.33

* Includes upstream CO2 emissions.

Whereas the higher-mileage vehicles would be more expensive, the amortizing of the cost difference over 10 years (the average life of US LDVs) would be more than offset by the significant reduction in annual fuel cost, i.e., there would be a net reduction in annual owning and operating costs.
Residential Housing: The US needs to implement a federal energy code for residential housing to ensure significant reductions of primary energy for heating, cooling and electricity. The code should be climate-zone specific. Each state could opt to have a stricter code. It is economically feasible to have zero-energy or energy-surplus buildings with existing technologies.


If the 97.141 quads were to include 14.25 quads of wind energy and 4.75 quads of solar energy, then, combined with the efficiency measures, the traditional energy sources could be reduced by 50%, from 97.141 quads to 48.57 quads. Due to the increased wind and solar energy, the US energy system would produce a greater percentage as electrical energy to meet the requirements of future plug-in light duty vehicles and heat pumps for space heating and cooling, and for domestic hot water heating.
The energy available for economic activities would be 48.57 x 0.4 + 14.25 + 4.75 = 38.43 quads.
The weighted average ERoEI would become 67.57/4.92 = 13.73; see below table. The energy available for economic activities, other than obtaining energy, would be about (48.57 – 2.27) x 0.4 + (14.25 – 1.19) + (4.74 – 1.06) = 35.26 quads.  With slightly greater energy efficiency, the same economic activities could be performed as before.

Traditional........... 48.57..........21.4............2.27

NOTE: It is assumed the remaining traditional energy mix continues to have an ERoEI of 21.4, and 60% as rejected heat and losses*. Wind and PV solar energy are assumed to have no heat losses, but CSP does have heat losses. See below.

*The 60% losses would be reduced due to the above energy efficiency. By how many percent would be a complicated calculation beyond the scope of this article.

NOTE: The ERoEI of wind was reduced from 18 to 12, and of solar from 7 to 4.5, their buffered values, because the increased variable, intermittent wind and solar energy would require:
- Back up generating capacity adequacy, MW, to provide energy when wind and solar are insufficient.
- Back up flexible generating capacity adequacy, MW, for inefficiently ramping up and down, at part load, to balance the variable energy.
- Transmission and distribution systems adequacy.
- Energy storage adequacy.

In 2013, wind and solar energy were a minor part of all energy, and the costs of buffering and ERoEI adjustments were minor as well. As wind and solar energy become a major part of all energy, buffering costs and ERoEI adjustments become increasingly significant.
These buffering costs usually are socialized, i.e., not charged to wind and solar energy, which, with the various subsidies, makes solar and wind energy much less costly, enabling owners to enter into power purchase agreements, PPAs, at near-wholesale prices in some areas of the US. See below section on federal subsidies.


At end 2014, the installed US wind turbine capacity was 65,879 MW, which produced 181,791 GWh = 0.621 quads*, at a capacity factor of 0.315. The estimated invested capital for the wind turbines was about $132 billion, at $2 million/MW, not including grid, generator and storage investments.
A wind turbine capacity of 1,489,445 MW, 22.6 times greater than at end 2014, would be required to achieve 14.25 quads of wind energy. This section describes the wind turbine capacity and capital cost required.

* The EIA energy flow chart indicates 1.600 quads, which implies about a 60% loss. This may be an error, as wind energy does not have such a loss.

Onshore CF = 0.32; offshore CF = 0.47
Onshore wind turbine 3 MW @ $6 million, which includes all equipment and systems for a complete installation.
Offshore wind turbine 5 MW @ $20 million, which includes all equipment and systems for a complete installation.
Example of Offshore CF: Alpa Ventus, 60 MW, began full operation in April 2010, average production during 2011, 2012, 2013 was 253.14 GWh/y, for a 3-year average CF of 0.481. Not all locations would have such high CFs.

Alternative No. 1

If all wind turbines were onshore, 496,482 of 3 MW wind turbines would be required, for a total of .................................................................................................$2979 billion
Grid investments, 15% of turbine costs, or ...............................$447 billion
Generator investments, 5% of turbine costs, or .........................$149 billion
Energy storage, 5% of turbine costs, or .....................................$149 billion
Total..........................................................................................$3724 billion

Alternative No. 2

If 50% of the energy were generated onshore and 50% offshore,
248,241 of 3 MW wind turbines would be required........................1489 billion
101,409 of 5 MW wind turbines would be required........................2028 billion
Grid investments, 15% of turbine costs, or.....................................$528 billion
Generator investments, 5% of turbine costs, or.............................$176 billion
Energy storage, 5% of turbine costs, or ........................................$176 billion
Total............................................................................................$4497 billion

The WHOLESALE cost of the wind energy likely would be about:

Onshore: 10 - 15 c/kWh, WITH existing subsidies; about 15 – 20 c/kWh, WITHOUT such subsidies.
Offshore: 20 - 25 c/kWh (based on Cape Wind, et al., projections), WITH existing subsidies; about 25 – 30 c/kWh WITHOUT such subsidies. The wholesale cost of energy on the US grid has been about 5 c/kWh for the past 5 years, kept low due to an abundance of domestic, clean, low-cost natural gas.


At end 2014, installed capacity of PV solar was 18,321 MW and of CSP was 1,700 MW. CSP plants, with thermal storage, steam turbine, and, in the desert, air-cooled condenser systems added to their solar thermal energy collection systems, have typical overall efficiencies of 25% or less, and capacity factors of about 0.25.
The estimated production was 18,321 MW x 8760 h/y x CF 0.18 + 1700 MW x 8760 h/y x CF 0.25 = 28,889 + 3,723 = 32,612 GWh = 0.111 quad*. A solar capacity of 42.8 times greater than at end 2014 would be required to achieve 4.75 quads of solar energy. This section describes the solar capacity and capital cost required.
* The EIA energy flow chart indicates a primary energy of 0.320 quads. This may be an error, as PV solar energy does not have such a loss, but CSP does have a loss due to heat rejection of the steam cycle. Below is a primary energy and loss calculation. It appears, EIA has overstated the PE.

PV + CSP...........0.3200............0.1113..............0.209; per EIA
PV.....................0.0986............0.0986......................; actual
CSP...................0.0508............0.0127..............0.038; actual
The estimated capital cost would be about:
PV capacity 18,321 MW x 42.8 x $3,500,000/MW...........................$2738 billion
CSP capacity 1,700 MW x 42.8 x $4,200,000/MW..............................$305 billion
Total...................................................................................................$3043 billion
Grid investments, 10% of system cost.................................................$304 billion
Generator investments, 5% of system cost..........................................$152 billion
Energy storage, 5% of system cost......................................................$152 billion
Total.................................................................................................. $3652 billion


If the EROEI of oil were 1.1, then one could pump oil out of the ground and look at it. If it were 1.2 one could both extract it and refine it. If it were 1.3, it could be distributed to where it is useful, but all you could do is look at it. It would take, AT THE WELLHEAD:

- An ERoEI of at least 3 to build and maintain a truck and the roads and bridges, including depreciation.
- An ERoEI of about 5 to grow and process foods and deliver products in the truck.
- An ERoEI of about 7 to 8 to include depreciation of the oil field worker, refinery worker, truck driver and the farmer, and to support their families.
- An ERoEI of about 9 to 10 to educate the children of these families.
- An ERoEI of about 12 to provide families and workers with health care and higher education.
- An ERoEI of about 14 to provide families and workers with the performing arts and other social amenities.

A modern civilization needs not just surplus energy but lots of it, and that requires either high ERoEI energy sources, or an abundant supply of moderate ERoEI energy sources. Low ERoEI sources, such as biodiesel and ethannol from corn, etc., would not qualify, i.e., they are more trouble than they are worth.


The US would need an ERoEI of about 14 to have a high level, modern society. However, it has an ERoEI of about 21.4. There are several reasons for this difference:

- The 60% primary energy losses, such as due to inefficient buildings and transportation.
- Repair/mitigate environmental impacts, such as oil spills, and wind, flood, fire and drought damages.

- Inefficient healthcare and education systems, as reflected in higher costs than in other nations.
- The military-industrial-intelligence, MII, complex with which to exert leadership in the world.
Without the extra ERoEI, the US would not be able to have its huge, energy-guzzling, MII complex. Russia, which has an abundance of energy sources, has a similar, albeit much smaller MII complex, largely to protect its vast natural resources from foreign takeovers*. Europe, an importer of energy sources, can have only a “helper” MII complex, hence its underfunding of NATO. China and Japan, also importers of energy sources, are similarly handicapped to have major MII complexes.
*Russia’s suspicions of NATO and EU ambitions in East Europe should be understood, as France invaded Russia in June 1812; Japan in 1905; the US with 8,000 troops in 1918 – 1920 (a failed attempt to overthrow the Communists); Japan in 1939 (Manchurian-Mongolian frontier), and Germany in June 1941, and NATO is moving its assets adjacent to the Russian border.


Below is a table of federal subsidies for traditional and renewable energy for 2013. Some of the “As Published” values are from the references, and do not agree with the “As Calculated” values. RE received 72.5% of the subsidies, but produced only 13.1% of all the energy. Wind subsidy was 3.522/0.67 = 5.3 times greater than gas. Solar subsidy was 23.121/0.67 = 34.5 times greater than gas.

Source........................Subsidy.......Production..........As Calculated.....As Published
....................................million $.....billion kWh...............c/kWh...............c/kWh
Gas + Petro Liq..................690..............1141....................0.060................0.067
Total Trad.......................3251.............3536...................0.092
Solar, Utility + Distr...........4393.................19...................23.121..............23.121
Other RE...........................594
Total RE.......................11678................533....................2.191
Smart Grid + Trans............1184


Wind turbine systems would:

- Cause major environmental damage to mostly pristine ridgelines.
- Be highly visible, and highly damaging to tourism and ambiance.
- Expose tens of thousands of people to excessive noise, affecting their sleep, health and overall wellbeing.
- Have higher capital costs/MW, compared to Great Plains and Panhandle
- Have higher O & M costs/MWh, compared to Great Plains and Panhandle
- Have lower capacity factors, compared to Great Plains and Panhandle
- Have shorter useful service lives (15 – 25 years) compared to traditional power plants (40 – 100 years), i.e., high replacement rates.


With increased wind energy on the grid there would be reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, but to a significant percent they would be offset by:
- The increased inefficient, part-load operation of the traditional generators.
- The increased hot, synchronous spinning requirements of traditional generators.
- The less efficient scheduling of traditional generators.

Example: New England, if foolish enough to invest about $80 billion in wind turbines to have about 40% percent of its annual energy from wind, would need major HVDC connections to the Quebec, Labrador and New Brunswick grids for balancing and backup of its wind energy.  Doing it with NE gas turbines would require them to operate inefficiently due to ramping up and down, at part load, i.e., more Btu/kWh, more CO2/kWh. In any case, the NE gas turbine balancing and backup capacity would be inadequate for balancing and backup.
Example: Ireland had an island grid with a minor connection with the UK grid until October 2012. Eirgrid, the operator of the grid, publishes ¼-hour data regarding CO2 emissions, wind energy production, fuel consumption and energy generation. Drs. Udo and Wheatley made several analyses based on 2011 and earlier Irish grid operations data that offer clear evidence of the effectiveness of CO2 emission reduction decreasing with increasing annual wind energy percentages.
The Wheatley study of the Irish grid shows: Wind energy CO2 reduction effectiveness = (CO2 intensity, metric ton/MWh, with wind)/(CO2 intensity with no wind) = (0.279, @ 17% wind)/(0.53, @ no wind) = 0.526, based on SEMO data.
If 17% wind energy, wind energy promoters typically claim a 17% reduction in CO2, i.e., 83% is left over.
If 17% wind energy, actual performance data of the Irish grid shows, 0.526 x 17% is reduced = 8.94%, i.e., 91.06% is left over.
What applied to the Irish grid would apply to the New England grid as well, unless the balancing is done with hydro, a la Denmark.
Europe is facing the same problem, but it is stuck with mostly gas turbine balancing, as it does not have nearly enough hydro capacity for balancing.


Phasing out the above 38% of energy on the NE grid will eliminate the grid stability (frequency, voltage, phase) provided by the SYNCHRONOUS inertia of their large, rotating turbine generators. Frequency dynamics are faster in power systems with low rotational inertia, such as when significant wind and solar energy has been added, making frequency control and power system operation more challenging.
Performance Curve of a Wind Turbine: Wind turbine manufacturers publish wind turbine performance curves with the familiar shape. At a given wind speed, there is a given energy output. In reality, the wind speed AND direction are constantly changing, especially in hilly areas, such as on ridgelines.
The published performance curve of a wind turbine shows:
- Zero output for wind speeds of 0 to about 7 mph; 1 mph = 0.44704 m/sec. Wind energy intermittency is unpredictable, as it can occur anytime the wind speed is less than about 7 mph. The intermittency of traditional generators is highly predictable, except in the rare event of an unscheduled outage.

- Continuously variable output with the cube of the wind speed for wind speeds from about 7 mph to about 33 mph, the maximum speed to achieve rated output.
- A near constant output from about 33 mph to 55 mph.
- A shutdown speed of about 55 mph, which can occur during wind gusts, which are unpredictable and can occur at any time.

Wind Speed and Direction: Whereas an 8” anemometer quickly indicates wind speed and direction, that is not the case with a multi-ton nacelle quickly reducing the yaw angle to perpendicularly face the wind, and 175-ft long blades of a 373-ft diameter rotor quickly changing speed and pitch.
As a result, the wind turbine output is constantly changing at a indicated anemometer wind speed. The resulting performance curve is a scatter diagram that has the shape of the published performance curve, but may have output variations of plus or minus 20% for an indicated anemometer wind speed. Adding such scatter diagrams gives a scatter diagram as the output of a multi-turbine installation.
Variable updrafts and downdrafts upstream of the rotor, common in hilly areas, also add to such output variations; nacelle and blade adjustments would not be effective to reduce those additions to output variations. Grid stability would be made worse by phasing in increasingly larger quantities of such variable, intermittent wind energy.
To reduce excessive output variations and grid disturbances of a wind turbine installation, various output control strategies are being developed and tested using some later model wind turbines. The strategies attempt to control output variations within preset limits by continuously varying the nacelle orientation, and the speed and pitch of the blades.
As an alternative, synchronous-condenser systems, upstream of the substation that feeds into the high voltage grid, are used to “clean up” frequency and phase variations, as with the $10.5 million, 62-ton, synchronous-condenser system for the Lowell Mountain wind turbine installation in Vermont.
NOTE: Grid stability would also be made worse by phasing in variable, intermittent solar energy to distribution and high voltage grids. Solar energy is particularly variable during variable-cloudy weather, common in New England.
NOTE: The moment energy is fed into a distribution grid or high voltage grid, it immediately spreads, as electromagnetic waves, at near the speed of light, and gets consumed along its many ways. The electrons migrate very slowly; mostly they vibrate in place at 60 Hz. The notion RE fed into the grid is locally consumed, and use that as a basis for awarding subsidies or other preferential treatment, is entirely wrong, as moving at near the speed of light means from northern Maine to southern Florida, about 1,800 miles, in 0.01 second. 
- Denmark has built its entire wind turbine set-up around the hydro plants in Norway and Sweden, which balance its wind energy; Denmark has the highest household electric rates in Europe, about 30 eurocent/kWh.
- Ireland expensively balances its wind energy with gas turbines; the gas is imported.
- Spain and Portugal expensively balance their wind energy with gas turbines and pumped-storage hydro plants; the gas is imported.
- Germany expensively balances its wind energy with flexible coal plants, gas turbines and “borrowing” the spare balancing capacity of nearby grids; the gas is imported; Germany has the second highest household electric rates in Europe, about 29.5 eurocent/kWh, due to the ENERGIEWENDE program.


People should know by now, in New England:
- Wind energy is zero about 30% of the hours of the year (it takes a wind speed of about 7 mph to start the rotors), minimal most early mornings and most late afternoons, about 60% of all wind energy is generated AT NIGHT.  
- Solar energy is zero about 65% of the hours of the year, minimal early mornings and late afternoons, minimal much of the winter, and near-zero with snow and ice on the panels.
- During winter in New England, solar energy, on a monthly basis, is as low as 1/4 of what it is during the best month in summer; 1/6 in Germany.
- Often both are at near-zero levels during many hours of the year. See URL, click on Renewables. in the Fuel Mix Chart to see the instantaneous wind and solar %.
- Germany has excellent public records for the past 12 years showing the variability and intermittency of wind and solar energy, i.e., denial/obfuscation of the facts is not an option.
That means, in Germany and in New England, ALL other existing generators must be kept in good running order, staffed, fueled, ready to go, to provide varying quantities of energy almost all hours of the year, including for balancing the variable solar and wind energy. The end result: Two energy systems to do one job!


The current Northeast Kingdom, NEK, grid in Vermont is perfectly adequate to serve the NEK demands, but feeding variable (voltage, frequency, phase), intermittent wind energy into that grid would cause excessive instabilities, as was found with the Lowell project.
It is well known by various government entities, the NEK would need at least $300 million of grid upgrades before significant variable, intermittent, grid disturbing, wind energy could be added. Just adding the cancelled SENECA system would have cost $86 million in grid upgrades. GMP had to spend a total of about $20 million to connect the Lowell system to the grid, including a $10.5 million, 62-ton, synchronous-condenser system.


The instant renewable energy is fed into a distribution grid or high voltage grid, it immediately becomes part of the existing mix of the New England grid, and the NEW mix spreads as electromagnetic waves, at near the speed of light, and gets consumed along its many ways. The electrons migrate very slowly; mostly they vibrate in place at 60 Hz.
Some patriotic enthusiasts absurdly claim a state, say Vermont, has its very own energy mix!! Their claim locally-generated RE fed into the grid is locally consumed is a feel-good, RE-promoting ploy to make lay people think they are consuming their locally generated RE. Those claims have nothing to do with physical reality.
Government entities even use that ploy as a basis for making analyses to show off the benefits of RE, and for awarding subsidies, or giving other preferential treatment.
There is nothing local about energy after it has been fed into the grid, as moving at near the speed of light means from northern Maine to southern Florida, about 1,800 miles, in 0.01 second. Depending on the quantity of RE fed into the grid, it could be consumed as part of the NEW mix almost anywhere within 5, 10, 50 or 100 miles.


Using Batteries For Storing Energy Now for Later Use: Economically viable energy storage systems, other than hydro, have not yet been invented, and would take many billions of dollars and decades to deploy AFTER they are invented. At present, using batteries for energy storage during the day and using the energy at night costs about 23 c/kWh JUST FOR STORAGE, per a David Hallquist study for the DOE.

Using Batteries For Reducing Grid Disturbances: Increasing the capacity, MW, of PV solar systems tied to a distribution grid will decrease its stability, because energy from PV solar systems significantly varies from minute to minute, especially during variable-cloudy days, common in New England. Battery systems tied to the distribution grid are used in California and Germany to smooth excessive energy variations. They act as dampers, which work as follows:
- The DC energy of the PV panels is sent as AC into the distribution grid.
- If necessary, some of the energy is converted to DC before charging into the utility-owned battery system to maintain distribution grid stability.
- If necessary, some of the battery energy is converted to AC and sent into the distribution grid to maintain distribution grid stability.
- DC to AC inverters are about 85%, 50%, and 10% efficient at 20%, 10% and 2% outputs, respectively, i.e., much of the converted energy is lost as heat. 
- Such charging and discharging has very little to do with storing PV solar energy during the day for use at night, as is sometimes claimed.
- If a battery system has sufficient capacity, it can perform its stabilizing function during the day while storing energy for use at night.

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