In the Western U.S. a major change in how the electrical system is
operated is underway. It is driven by economics, environmental policy,
and system reliability concerns. This change, from a balkanized,
inefficiently operated grid to a coordinated, consolidated grid may just
be the key to our renewable energy future.
We have heard much recently about California's ambitious new climate and renewable energy goals.
In his 2015 State of the State address, Governor Jerry Brown listed
three main goals to be accomplished within the next 15 years: First,
increase the amount of electricity the state derives from renewable
sources from one-third to 50 percent. Second, reduce petroleum use in
cars and trucks by up to 50 percent. Third, double the efficiency of
existing buildings and make heating fuels cleaner.
For California
these goals are needed to maintain progress on a trajectory to a much
bigger target. The real goal is an 80% greenhouse gas (GhG) reduction by
2050, the emissions reduction the vast majority of the world's climate
scientists believe is necessary to forestall a global disaster and keep
warming to two degrees Celsius.
We cannot reach our ambitious
goals without a more coordinated grid. Years of research on deep
penetrations of renewable energy (RE) into the region and nation's
electricity system agree that regional coordination, balancing area
consolidation and related measures are essential elements for success.
Been there, studied that
Papers by NREL (Renewable Electricity Futures, Low Carbon Grid Studyandstudies on wind and solar integration in both the Eastern and Western
Interconnections) all emphasize the need for regional coordination the
stress the value of geographic diversity in facilitating renewable
energy integration cost effectively. The consulting firm E3, in work it has done for California utilities (Investigating a Higher Renewables Portfolio Standard in California, Pathways), concluded we need regional coordination to meet deep penetrations of renewables affordably.
same also holds true across the rest of the West. E3's work for the
Western Electricity Coordinating Council and the Western Interstate
Energy Board (Western Interconnection Flexibility Assessment) revealed that 50% of regional energy
supply can be reliably met with renewables, but that regional
coordination is the "low-hanging fruit" for integration solutions
because it reduces the need for fossil reserves to balance generation
and demand fluctuations. It both saves money and reduces pollution.
Other studies done by the highly respected Regulatory Assistance Project (Meeting Renewable Energy Targets in the West at Least Cost, Teaching the Duck to Fly, Clean Energy Keeps the Lights On),
analyze the renewable energy integration and grid operating experience
across the country and highlight the critical role played by regional
coordination among an array of measures that allow deep penetrations of
renewable power in the grid. We know how to do what's needed for a renewable future and we know it saves money and makes the system more, not less reliable.
So, here in the western U.S., what is stopping us?
Imagine a bus with 38 drivers
current regional electricity system is balkanized (38 Balancing Area
Authorities), causing an inefficient use of the grid. This outmoded
control approach relies on bilateral contracts for energy dispatch on an
hourly basis in which each of the 38 control areas must build their own
balancing generation and manage electricity transfers between them. This is more expensive and less reliable than a coordinated system.
Fighting the last war?
worry that a market could somehow prop up or extend the life of aging
coal plants. Before supporting a market they want assurances that
existing coal plants will be retired ahead of schedule. To them,
defeating every coal boiler in the West by a date certain is the
ultimate climate goal. But putting this strategy ahead of
improving the electricity system in favor of renewables could be
self-defeating. We need to both fight coal plants and scale up
renewables to green the electricity sector. The coal industry is in deep
decline and showing no signs of recovery. Yes, let's shut down
remaining plants as fast as we can. But let's not make it harder for
renewables to take their place.
We will never get the renewable
energy development we need to replace fossil generation in the current
balkanized grid. Establishing regional markets, experience elsewhere has taught us, helps renewables and hurts dirty baseload generation.
Thinking several moves down the chess board
regional electricity market is the very tool that unravels operational
complexity in the western grid by consolidating control of the system,
taking advantage of the region's complementary renewable energy
variability over large distances, reducing the cost of renewable
integration, and preventing the wasteful duplication of transmission and
generation infrastructure. It makes the grid cleaner, cheaper, faster,
and more reliable. As coal continues to decline as a generation source,
regional markets and grid coordination are emerging as perhaps our most
important tools for building a clean energy future.
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