A large scale challenge …
scale electrification of winter heating looks to be essential if the
UK’s legally binding 2050 emissions reduction target is to be met, with
other approaches likely playing a lesser role (see brief notes on this
at the end of this post). However electrification of winter heating
poses severe challenges.
Winter heating uses a lot of energy.
Meeting the present heat load with electricity would add about 50% to
present electricity consumption in the first quarter of the year – even
allowing for the efficiency of heat pumps – and proportionately more in
the coldest periods. Indeed, peak heat demand is around 300GW,
equivalent to around 100 GW of electricity demand from heat pumps, which
is larger than present electricity generation capacity.
With expensive electricity …
electricity generation to meet heat demand is only required during the
winter months. Consequently, capital costs of power plants need to be
recovered over less than half the year, assuming no large scale seasonal
storage of either heat or electricity is available (lithium ion battery
storage helps a good deal with daily system management but does not
look capable of helping move the very large amounts of required energy
from summer to winter). The excess capacity on the system in summer,
including solar, means that there will be relatively little chance of
recovering capital costs from sales into wholesale power markets over
that part of the year. Export opportunities also look likely be limited
as most of Northern Europe has similar seasonal issues.
Most low
carbon power is capital intensive, so low load factor operation
increases costs a lot, making winter-only low carbon electricity
expensive. Nuclear looks likely, on a rough-and-ready basis, to cost
around £220/MWh for winter only operation, assuming generating plant to
meet heating load runs on average for a third of the year.
penalty for lower load factor operation is potentially much reduced if
power comes from CCGT with CCS. This is less capital intensive, so the
increase in cost per MWh from running at lower load factor is much
less. However the cost is still likely to be perhaps £150/MWh for
winter only operation, around three or four times present market
prices. And no gas power plant with CCS is yet being built, so a huge
amount of scale-up of the technology is required.
Offshore wind is
also capital intensive and relatively inflexible, but benefits from
higher output in the winter months. It is likely to be between the cost
of nuclear and CCS for winter only operation, although it is unlikely
to be possible to run a decarbonised heating system exclusively on
offshore wind. Generation from biomass may also have a useful role to
play, but again has its limitations.
And substantial costs for the rest of the chain …
high cost for electricity is on top of the substantial capital costs of
reinforcement of the distribution grid and buying and installing the
heat pump itself. In many houses it will also be necessary to replace
radiators or install underfloor heating. This is needed to allow the
heating system to operate at lower water temperatures than is usual with
gas boilers, in order to retain heat pump efficiency. Indeed in less
well insulated houses heat pumps may supply only part of the load, with
some top-up from natural gas still necessary.
Leading to a large total cost …
cases for total costs are illustrated in the chart below, which
compares the cost of electric heating the cost of a new natural gas
boiler for household use. To emphasise, these are rough numbers, but
likely if anything to understate the problem of high cost. The high
case is based on electricity from nuclear, the low case on electricity
from natural gas with CCS. Additional distribution costs are assumed in
both cases due to the large amounts of electricity that would need to
be distributed with widespread use of heat pumps. The additional cost for an average household is around £700-1400 per year.
The additional bill for the UK’s 26 million households would amount to £18-36 billion p.a. or around 1 to 2% of GDP.
That’s just to decarbonise residential space heating. In practice of
course it’s unlikely to apply to all households, but other approaches
seem likely to be similarly expensive.
Heat pump capital cost of £6,000-8,500 including installation,
distribution grid reinforcement and upgrades to radiators/underfloor
heating, likely to prove a favourable assumption in practice. Gas
boiler capital cost of £2300 including installation. Winter low carbon
power £150-220/MWh wholesale, electricity network losses 7%, additional
distribution costs included in capital cost of system. Natural gas
£34/MWh GCV, gas consumption 18MWh p.a.. Boiler efficiency 85% of GCV,
so heat load is 15.3 MWh, heat pump CoP = 3. Required rate of
return is 10% with 15 years. Reducing required rate of return for the
consumer to 5% would still lead to a substantial premium (£550-1100
p.a.) for the electricity option.
There are some caveats to
this. Heat pumps make much more economic sense off the gas grid (about
10% of households) where they compete with heating oil, or with
electrical resistance heating. They also make more sense in very well
insulated housing. This will include new-build, where there is the
further advantage that the capital cost of the heat pump is more readily
accommodated as part of the cost of the building. However the turnover
of the UK housing stock is very slow. As a result the contribution
that new-build can make is limited, even over a few decades.
With no improvement in the service for consumers …
additional cost does not bring a better service, and indeed some are
likely to find disadvantages. Heat pumps are noisier than gas boilers
and run for more of the time, and the radiators to deal with the lower
water temperatures are somewhat bulkier. An additional cost of
£700-1400 per household every year for something with no advantages and
perhaps some drawbacks is likely to be politically difficult to
Implying significant new policies …
There are clear lessons from these estimates for making decarbonisation of space heating more tractable. First, it makes sense to focus initially on new residential and commercial buildings, and properties off the grid, even if this is a limited market. Second, the benefits of additional insulation become even more compelling, again especially in new build. Third, the benefits of improving heat pump efficiency are huge.
Fourth, reducing the capital costs of low load factor low carbon electricity
is also essential. In the absence of cost-effective seasonal storage
his will in practice require low cost generation from gas with CCS,
although biomass generation may also play a role. Proving this
technology at scale and achieving capital costs well below those of
other low carbon generating technologies looks to be essential if
seasonal heating is to be decarbonised at acceptable cost.
Fifth, any technology for storing energy seasonally,
for example as hydrogen or methane generated electrically or from
fossil fuels with CCS, would be potentially transformative for
decarbonising heat and much else if it could be done at very large scale
with reasonable cost and energy cycle efficiency. This is currently
an underdeveloped area.
Reducing the UK’s emissions from space
heating by electrification looks likely to require major technological
and infrastructure developments. All this is likely to take time,
making the need to reduce costs urgent, even if large scale
decarbonisation of the heating load is some way away. This needs to be a
matter of priority.
Notes and details of calculations
Other ways to decarbonise heat
approaches such as the use of biomass and heat networks may also play a
significant role in decarbonising winter heating, although there is not
space to cover them fully in this post. Each approach has its own
challenges. Heat networks could be fed by natural gas with CCS, either
producing heat only or combined heat and power. This requires new heat
networks serving urban areas, as well as a CO2 transport
network covering large parts of the country, which will be much more
expensive than would be required if only large central generating plant
were to have CCS. In some other parts of Europe there are more existing
heat networks, reducing costs there, although very extensive CO2 transport networks would still be required in most cases.
of biomass directly for space heating may also play a role, but is
unlikely to predominate in the UK, for example due to the lack of
storage in most UK housing, the scale of the demand, and in some cases
problems with high lifecycle emissions. Air source heat pumps look
to be the most promising technology for very widespread electrical
heating, although ground and water source heat pumps and resistance
heating will have a role. Reliance on resistance heating would make the
problem of very large demand for expensive winter-only electricity
demand much more severe.
Around 150TWh
more gas is used (outside power generation) in the first quarter of the
year than in the third quarter. Replacing this much gas requires
around 45TWh of electricity if heat pumps are used. This adds about 50%
to present electricity consumption of around 85TWh in the same period.
calculation of additional electricity demand assumes that additional
non-power sector gas demand in the first quarter compared with the third
quarter is due to the heating load. Totals quoted are an average of
2013 and 2014.
For peak heat demand of 300GW see http://www.eti.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Smart-Systems-and-Heat-Decarbonising-Heat-for-UK-Homes-.pdf, page 11. For estimates of the coefficient of performance for heat pumps see: https://www.academia.edu/1073992/A_review_of_domestic_heat_pump_coefficient_of_performance
Costs of electricity
assumed a 33% load factor (equivalent for running 4 months of the year,
from mid-November to mid-March) for electricity to serve heat load.
This assumes that capacity can run continuously at full load during
these months, which is unlikely to be the case for most capacity due to
variations in demand within day and across days. The assumption here is
thus likely to be somewhat favourable. Diurnal storage may help
achieve smoother output but will add further to costs. Full system
modelling would be required to estimate the cost of low load factor
electricity accurately, but would be unlikely to change the conclusions,
especially for such a large change to the current system, and if
anything would be likely to raise costs assumed here somewhat.
amount of decarbonisation also matters. Allowing some emissions from
fossil plant running during the periods of highest heat demand, or
allowing top-up from gas boilers, can reduce costs. Hinkley C
nuclear plant has a cost of £92.5 per MWh escalating with inflation.
This price is after other support in the form of loan guarantees.
Without this support the cost would be higher. 85% of the cost is
capital and fixed operating costs.
Recent tenders showed prices of
£114-119/MWh for offshore wind. However there is likely to be scope
for further cost reduction alongside the benefits from higher winter
output to offset the costs of lower load factor operation. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/407059/Contracts_for_Difference_-_Auction_Results_-_Official_Statistics.pdf
of early CCS are expected to be higher than the figure quoted here, but
there are ambitions to reduce this to £95/MWh by 2030 for gas with post
combustion CCS. See https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/223940/DECC_Electricity_Generation_Costs_for_publication_-_24_07_13.pdf
. However this looks likely to require substantial learning. The
capital cost of £1300/kW assumed by DECC for gas plant with CCS appears
to exclude transport and storage costs and to include some early stage
appraisal optimism. I have therefore adopted a capital cost of £1950/kW
($3000/kW) including transport and storage, though reducing fuel costs
to retain a total cost of £95/MWh in baseload. Getting the total
capital cost down to this level would be a substantial achievement. In short, most of the assumptions for the cost of electricity generation to serve heat load seem to tend towards the optimistic.
Costs of residential consumers
pump and gas boiler system cost calculations are approximate only and
will vary greatly with circumstances. More detailed modelling would
refine them but would be unlikely to change the overall conclusions.
The costs exclude the effect of any incentive payments. Annuitisation
of capital costs for domestic consumers assumes a 10% rate of return
required over 15 years, with a sensitivity to lower rates of return
noted under the chart. Domestic consumers are likely to require higher
returns than this in practice, but financing schemes may be made
available to reduce their cost of capital. The change of rate of return
assumption does not apply to power generation.
Average household gas consumption is from http://www.carbonindependent.org/sources_home_energy.htm
Mean rather than median consumption is estimated. Ofgem use a somewhat
lower figure based on median consumption. Typical gas consumption
includes some hot water and often cooking use. I’ve largely ignored
these factors, which complicate the story somewhat, but again do not
change the nature of the central challenge.