Saturday 2 June 2012

A recent renewable "omne trium perfectum"

The Latin phrase omne trium perfectum, translates as 'everything that comes in threes is perfect,' or 'every set of three is complete.'

It conveys the same idea as the 'rule of three,' while also (appropriately) using exactly three words.

So while not exactly three words, here are three recent events that merit mentioning.

1) CA PUC rules 5-0 for net energy metering. Nothing short of consequential, this unanimous vote by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) clears up the methodology for calculating the State's five percent net metering cap, and will dramatically expand opportunities for solar energy in California. IREC, represented by Keyes, Fox & Wiedman, LLP in the proceedings, teamed with other organizations, including members of the Coalition for Solar Rights in this landmark case.

2) Despite the patchwork of permitting procedures for solar rooftop systems in cities and counties across the U.S., innovative approaches to improve efficiencies do exist. Sharing Success — Emerging Approaches to Efficient Solar Rooftop Permitting, authored by Sky Stanfield, Erica Schroeder and Thad Culley, Keyes, Fox & Wiedman, LLP, was released last month, and highlights successful examples already in place. Latest numbers show that there have been over 6,300 views on Renewable Energy World since the report was first posted on May 17. There's a free webinar on the report on June 6, part of the ICLEI/ICMA seminar series.

3) There are now 122 approved IREC credential holders with 26 applications currently under assessment. And, if you're an IREC ISPQ Certified Master Trainer or Instructor who is no longer teaching, you can now apply for Emeritus status. Certain provisions apply, but Emeritus status offers a way for Instructors and Master Trainers to remain engaged with IREC's Credentialing Progam even as they transition in their careers.

As we welcome June, a reminder that applications for IREC's 2012 Innovation Awards are due June 29th. Categories this year include: clean energy workforce development; K-12 education and training; community renewable energy projects; and state and local government initiatives. Winners will be recognized at IREC's Annual Meeting, Monday, September 10 in Orlando. Details about the Annual Meeting, including registration and the Preliminary Agenda, are on the IREC website.

Also in June, watch for the release of the Solar Instructor Training Network's Best Practices documents and registration will be open in a few weeks for the November Clean Energy Workforce Education Conference.

Until we see each other again, here's to your continually inspiring work. fe ctum

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