A maxim of the renewable energy sector is that costs are dropping fast,
thereby making them likely to be more competitive with conventional
energy in the near future and that this is due to subsidies creating
sales and generating movement on the learning curve.
In the case of
photovoltaics, this argument needs closer examination, especially in
light of the large and growing subsidies for the power.
First and foremost, it is true costs have been dropping rapidly for
several decades and will probably continue to decline—but in part,
because costs for most things decline over time with technological
advances. This is well documented by academics like Dale Jorgenson and
John Tilton.
Also, Clean Tech
supporters often assert that the point of competitiveness will be
accelerated because conventional energy prices must rise, primarily
because of depletion of fossil fuel resources. But they don’t seem to
think that the depletion of silicon needed to make photovoltaic cells;
depletion matters, but the rate of depletion is often exaggerated.
The reality is that conventional energy sources do not tend to rise
in price over the long term. The retail price of electricity in theUSis
largely unchanged over the past four decades, despite the oil crises,
much stricter emissions regulations, and the problems of the nuclear
power sector. Before that, prices had dropped sharply.
Oil and gas prices have been manipulated and regulated for most of
their history, but tend to be flat—outside of bubbles. Removing the
assumed increase in conventional energy costs means that the day when
photovoltaics becomes broadly competitive is much further in the future
than proponents expect.
And, although it is a minor point, the sharp drop in costs for
photovoltaic cells is exaggerated by the fact that the first cells were
manufactured for use in satellites and were made to operate under
extreme conditions. More recently, a glut in manufacturing capacity has
depressed prices, and will be presumably reversed when the glut
disappears. Proponents point to the sharper decline in the past few
years without taking this into account.
Finally, the presumption that subsidizing purchase of expensive
products like photovoltaic cells will bring costs down is largely
fallacious. The biggest cost reductions come in the early phases of
production, as the new technology is studied and optimized, and these
have already been reached for photovoltaic panels. Major new
improvements will occur in the laboratory, not on the production line or
by installers.
All in all, proponents of photovoltaics are trying to divert
attention from solar’s high costs by pointing to declining cost trends,
but this argument should be used to support research, not production
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