New Hampshire, USA --
Several U.S. Senators are resurrecting legislation seeking to create a
national Renewable Energy Standard (RES), while more proposed RPS
changes crop up in some quieter markets.
Senate Bill S.1595 from Mark Udall (D-Colorado) and Tom Udall (D-New Mexico), and days later the "American Renewable Energy and Efficiency Act"
from Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), both call for call for a national RES
policy, proposing a short-term 6 percent requirements of renewables
adoption (2015 for the Udall bill, 2014 for Markey) gradually increasing
to 25 percent by 2025. Both would complement (not override) individual
state RPS programs; include renewable credits, both handed out and
purchasable (Markey's plan gives a bonus for distributed generation, and
renewable energy projects on Indian lands and distributed brownfield
sites.). Both cite benefits for hundreds of thousands of jobs
nationally, billions in economic boons in certain states and
communities, and energy independence and a cleaner future for all.
There was some communication between the Senators' offices about
these bills before they were launched within two days of each other,
noted Mike Saccone, communications director for Sen. Mark Udall.
But there are a couple of differences in the proposals, too:
Low-Impact Biomass. Markey's plan
calls for use of biomass that yields 50 percent reduced greenhouse gas
emissions vs. a combined-cycle natural gas plant (20-year life cycle).
That distinction between perennial crops and grasses, wood waste and
reclaimed wood, and treetops and branches -- vs. cutting and burning
entire trees -- is important because "far from being 'carbon neutral,'
whole trees are a bigger carbon polluter than coal," points out Franz Matzner,
associate director of government affairs for the Natural Resources
Defense Council (NRDC). Markey's bill also charges the EPA to track such
emissions reductions.
Energy Efficiency. Markey's bill also emphasizes
energy efficiency programs, through combined heat/power, fuel switching,
reduced distribution losses, codes and standards, and end-use
efficiency gains from equipment upgrades. Electric utilities would be
required to implement energy-efficiency programs that save 1 percent of
sales by 2015 and cumulative 15 percent of sales by 2025. Natural gas
plants would have similar requirements: half a percent by 2015, and
cumulative 10 percent by 2025. For U.S. households, such improvements
would add up to savings of $49 annually, and $90 billion cumulatively by
2030, while reducing CO2 emissions by 480 million metric tons annually by 2025, the equivalent output of 120 coal-fired plants.
The Udalls' legislation doesn't include energy efficiency, but it is being introduced as an amendment to the proposed Shaheen-Portman energy efficiency bill. That bill has garnered welcomed broad bipartisan support but been bogged down amid debates about some other amendments and other political gamesmanship.
The issue of a national RPS has come up often in recent years but there hasn't been enough sustained momentum behind it. The Udalls themselves hoisted the 25x25 banner before, back in 2002 while members of the House and later repackaging and reintroducing it to the Senate
in 2009. Markey, meanwhile, offered his own crack at energy efficiency
in 2009 with the Waxman-Markey bill also in the House, and there are
many echoes from that proposal in his newest one.
It's hard to say what traction a national-RPS debate will get (let
alone two separate ones), much less in the Senate than the
Republican-controlled House which was already unfriendly toward them,
before the current state of gridlock. In the meantime, more than half of
U.S. states have developed their own RPS standards and some are fast approaching their goals
well ahead of schedule. RPS policies continue to work and be popular at
state levels, repeatedly fighting off attempts to reign them in (ALEC
et al.). But getting enough momentum behind any national RPS policy
probably will require more direct accountability of fossil fuels' true
costs and negative impacts, and that's not likely to happen in the
current climate.
Sen. Mark Udall wants to see RES legislation passed "by whatever
means present themselves," said Saccone, whether that means as an
amendment to the Shaheen-Portman bill or as standalone legislation -- or
maybe even some combination with the Markey bill. "We will certainly be
open to that."
Meanwhile, a few updates on renewable portfolio standards (RPS) are emerging at the state level:
- Vermont's 2011 Comprehensive Energy Plan
(CEP) mandates 90% renewables by 2050, but the state's renewable
businesses want to push for more near-term targets: 20 percent of total
energy consumption from renewable sources and energy efficiency by 2020.
(The state's current renewables usage is around 11 percent, according
to Renewable Energy Vermont, the state's non-profit renewable energy
trade association.) REV also wants an official state renewable portfolio
standard (RPS) beyond Vermont's "goals" dictating targets for
providers' incorporation of renewables in their annual electricity
retail sales. Other items on REV's wish list
are more community-scale solar and wind, an even stronger net metering
program, and a carbon tax. "This is an ambitious, daunting challenge,
but we have to start somewhere," stated David Blittersdorf,
president/CEO of AllEarth Renewables.
- In Ohio, SB 221, introduced in 2008 and amended in 2012, set a 12.5
percent RPS with a half-percent solar carveout. Now a new bill seeks to chip away at the state's RPS criteria. SB 58 would significantly rewrite those rules:
eliminate the requirement of half of that being met in-state, include
Canadian hydro, and adjust costs caps. It would also tweak the language
to make penalties optional if utilities don't meet those RPS targets.
- Michigan's RPS established in 2008 is for 10 percent by 2015, not
among the more robust state policies, though to be fair Michigan's
renewables portfolio was starting from a much smaller place back then.
Last year Michigan unsuccessfully tried to expand its RPS, but as that
2015 deadline approaches a new report shows that a 30 percent RPS is economically feasible.
Broader policy movements about state-level RPS are emerging in
Midwest states from Iowa to Illinois to Minnesota. Check out what Howard
Learner and Brad Klein from the Environmental Law & Policy Center
had to say at last week's Solar Power International:
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