According to the latest "Energy Infrastructure Update" report from
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Office of Energy
Projects, wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower combined provided over
75 percent (75.43 percent) of the 1,229 megawatts (MW) of new U.S.
electrical generating capacity placed into service during the first
quarter of 2015. The balance (302 MW) was provided by natural gas.
Specifically, during the quarter, eight new "units" of
wind came on line with a combined capacity of 647 MW — accounting for
52.64 percent of all new generating capacity for the quarter. It was
followed by 30 units of solar (214 MW), one unit of geothermal steam (45
MW), and one unit of hydropower (21 MW). Five units of natural gas
provided the new capacity from that sector. FERC reported no new capacity from biomass sources for the quarter nor any from coal, oil, or nuclear power.
The numbers for the first three months of 2015 are similar
to those for the same period in 2014 when renewable energy sources
(i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) provided 1,422 MW
of new capacity and natural gas 159 MW while coal and nuclear provided
none and oil just 1 MW. Renewable energy sources accounted for half of
all new generating capacity last year.
Renewable energy sources now account for 16.92 percent of
total installed operating generating capacity in the U.S.: water - 8.53
percent, wind - 5.65 percent, biomass - 1.38 percent, solar - 1.03
percent, and geothermal steam - 0.33 percent. Renewable energy capacity
is now greater than that of nuclear (9.11 percent) and oil (3.92
percent) combined. Moreover, as noted, total installed operating
generating capacity from solar has now reached and surpassed the
one-percent threshold.
Note that generating capacity is not the same as actual
generation. Generation per MW of capacity (i.e., capacity factor) for
renewables is often lower than that for fossil fuels and nuclear power.
According to the most recent data (i.e., as of December 2014) provided
by the U.S. Energy Information Administration,
actual net electrical generation from renewable energy sources now
totals 13.2 percent of total U.S. electrical production; however, this
figure almost certainly understates renewables' actual contribution
significantly because EIA does not fully account for all electricity
generated by distributed renewable energy sources (e.g., rooftop solar).
The trend lines for the past several years have been
consistent and unmistakable. Each month, renewable energy sources —
particularly wind and solar — increase their share of the nation's
generating capacity while those of coal, oil, and nuclear decline.
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