Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Facts… Green energy does create jobs

Without facts the arguments supporting the growth of green energy become well intentioned rhetoric. The social benifits of green energy often fall into this “fact free zone”. In some quarters it is taken as gospel that going green will create a multitude of jobs in a new vibrant industry sector. Sounds good, but is it true?

A recent study out by Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (PERI), details not only that YES going green does produce more jobs per dollar invested then dollars invested in fossil fuel energy. The report also shows that the biggest job producing bang for the investment dollar is in retrofiting existing buildings with weatherization and energy efficiency projects.

Conclusion: Research shows that investments in green energy do more than move us off polluting fossil fuels, these investments have a positive impact on our economy.

Read the report summary by clicking here. Excerpt:

The stimulus package and the climate bill recently passed by the US House and now being considered in the Senate will create jobs while delivering a boost to our economy. A "green" stimulus swill create approximately three times as many jobs as the same amount of spending in traditional energy industries. But clean energy is too diverse to consider a single industry. What are the differential jobs creation effects of different types of clean energy and are the most effective sectors getting the most money?


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