Debt can be one of the most challenging pieces to secure in the
capital stack, and especially for solar projects under 1 MW. This is
because renewable commercial banks see these deals as too small,
regional banks have investment size and tenor limits that make financing
difficult if not impossible, and local banks have limited experience
with solar.
With these obstacles, it should come as no surprise that
new solar debt options would be welcomed by the solar community. And,
since we launched our $100 million debt fund, we have been rewarded with
a wide variety of projects that are strong candidates for debt.
A number of new opportunities and operational projects are in the
usual domestic markets, but some strong opportunities for debt have
come from less expected places like Ontario and the Virgin Islands — and
there are even several safe-harbored 1603 projects. Here are some
reasons why the project opportunities are surfacing (or re-surfacing)
and how the availability of construction and long-term debt contracts
are injecting new vitality into both new and older solar projects.
With a 45-55 cent/kWh feed-in tariff from a credit-rated offtaker
(the Ontario Power Authority), Ontario projects are large (500 kW – 15
MW) and cash-rich. Because there is no federal ITC, there is no
subsequent need for a tax equity investor. With our debt tenors, which
are as long as 18 years, debt financing becomes a straightforward
structuring option. Moreover, developers who have sufficient sponsor
equity are able to keep a stake in their projects.
Like Ontario, the Virgin Islands offer a feed-in-tariff program with a
credit-worthy offtaker. The high FIT rate also allows for cash-rich
projects, and cash-rich projects can be levered up more than other
projects. For example, we have seen projects in the V.I. that may be
levered up, with up to 70-80 percent of the capital stack coming from
debt. This contrasts with less lucrative projects which may only
achieve 50-50 debt to equity ratios — and that is assuming they can get
past the financing struggle between debt providers and equity investors
who compete for seniority in project cash flows.
Last, but not least, we are somewhat amazed to report that we are
seeing a number of 1603 safe-harbored projects. Some of these projects
were recently built, some are seeking construction financing, while
others have recently received Notice to Proceed. The 1603
projects have a few disadvantages, including higher costs due to
outdated panel pricing, lower electricity production compared to
projects built with today’s higher-rated and more efficient panels, and
risks associated with the possibility of Treasury project cost scrutiny.
However, without the need for tax equity, these deals are easier to
structure, which makes them well-positioned to take advantage of debt
financing and the abundance of sponsor equity. While we hope that these
1603 projects find financing and a 20-45 year lifetime of
solar generation, it seems that 2014 will mark the year when 1603
project developers truly have to find sources of tax equity for their
new pipeline.
In addition to the more surprising opportunities mentioned above, the
new debt options are improving IRRs for new and operational projects
and they are also solving critical financing issues for a variety other
projects in the U.S., including those that require a tax equity
investor. We are currently in the process of conducting diligence on
projects to fill a $100 million debt fund.
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