Saturday 17 September 2011

There is no geothermal temperature/condition data for 60% of Canada, though Geological Survey estimates potential is enormous

Here’s my latest Clean Break column, in which I continue my crusade to have political leaders, media and the general public take seriously the option of geothermal power generation in Canada. In this column, I quote from a new 322-page study from the Geological Survey of Canada, which calls the country’s geothermal development potential enormous but cites a lack of data and research, which creates too much uncertainty and risk for the development community. The government researchers make several recommendations, including establishment of a national geothermal database, more public investment in research and development, support for pilot projects, and government programs that help reduce early exploration risks for developers. It’s ridiculous that Canada is not yet exploiting this resources to help offset emissions from coal-fired generation, particularly in the west. We are, after all, a country that excels at the art of deep-well drilling and resource exploration. It’s not like we lack the skills.

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